Quick conversation with self!
Today, today, today…I spoke with a white, heterosexual woman, medium build, above average intelligence, difficult to read but pleasant to the eyes.
Anywho…the dilemma? Telling a male that I am gay and that there is no boyfriend. That the ring on the finger indicates ‘taken’ and ‘do not touch’.
Though the meaning was well meant the words of encouragement felt lost.
‘Just gonna suck it up and tell him that I’m gay…No beating around the bush. I just get tired of the explanations and the who, what, where and when.’
“Good for you. It’s better that way anyway. But I know what you mean…” had been a well thought out patented response.
Chips fall where they may when you carry a bag of them on your shoulder. Instantly, I felt the hairs crawl on my back similar to the hackles rising on my Rhodesian Ridgeback when her territory has been invaded.
What would it be like to not be different? To not have to explain say, my heterosexuality to someone. For certainly I do not see straight guys and dolls with third degree burn questions on their souls.
What would it be like to be straight, cute, average and part of the majority?
I suppose that is a life long question. How far into the minority does being a recovering addict, woman, lesbian, native American and blond idiot savant do I have to go before the explanations end?
Recently, I had a marriage proposal! Again, nice man, fairly well off, just looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with. The rural town I come from does not permit for open minds it allows for closed doors and meth labs.
What have I done to deserve this? Now, I find myself invited to a BBQ where good form means I should go. Now, I find myself joining up with a my best friend, straight, married, Martin and heading off to see fireworks just to avoid the obvious.
I Do Not Play Well With Others!
End of conversation from a lesbian from the minority…socially inept and lacking in grace.
Filed under: bi-sexuality, conformity, dumbing down generation, gay culture, gay rights, homophobia, lesbian, randomwordbyruth, substance abuse, Uncategorized Tagged: Family and Relationships, Gay Lesbian and Bisexual, Heterosexuality, Lesbian, LGBT, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Same-sex marriage, United States